Saturday, November 3, 2012

Biblical 'Signs' Appear! Signal Return of Jesus!

Extraordinary signs are being seen all over the world that signal the soon return of Jesus!  Just a few images are included below. Visit my blog for many more.... ( )

Scroll down for important prophetic revelations explaining how these 'signs' are the Manchild glories of the 'wise virgins'  The invitation of Matthew 22 is also included herein with an important update! This event is IMMINENT, ask to be a guest now, do not put it off!


 Taken May 27 2012 from A Passenger Jet Over Melbourne Australia 



Taken from Passenger Jet Over California May 31, 2012
Taken in Manchester Summer 2012
Our Saviour's Message
May 31st 2012
The Five Wise Virgins!

"My Blessed Child, I am your Father Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God. You come to Me today; and you ask Me if I have a word. Yes, My Little One, I have not one word, but two words. These two words are: 'sorrow,' and 'joy.'


For, to you righteous ones, I shall give you 'joy,' even in your times of despair and trouble! But, for the unrighteous, you shall reap, even as you have sown. To you, shall come a time of sorrow as few could ever imagine.


All of the gold in the world will not save one soul! And, for those, who love money and all that it can buy, a time of despair as few could imagine, shall grip them.


For, many have found comfort in their stuff and in their things, but all of their confidence in money and things will not only suffocate them, but will bury them.


I am stripping bare My people. I am bringing you face-to-face with who you really are and what you really are.


But, all, who truly love Me, and who love Me above all, will float in their joy and in their love for Me. And, when the calamities come, and when death and destruction looks them in their eyes, they will neither despair, nor faint. For, My strong arm is their support. My peace is their ever-present gift.


Their eyes are not fixed on this world and its luxuries, but their eyes are fixed on Me! They love Me above all and will not be moved from their faith. And, though the oceans shall rage and though the rivers shall rise, they will neither falter, nor stumble. For, these are Mine! I have fed them and I have raised them up for such a time as this!


But, I tell you now that the foundations of the earth shall be shaken! The earth shall rock! It shall be moved exceedingly. The heavens shall be moved! Back and forth, they will go! The deeps of the earth and the deeps of the oceans shall sigh! They shall move! The stars will be moved! Yes, moved exceedingly!


And, eyes, which can see, will see My hand in all things! For, in the heavens come lights and bodies, which did not previously exist! A dread is upon the planets; for there comes a great upsurge in My power, a great tearing, a great splitting in the heavens! In the cosmos, bitter signs! Two suns! Now, three lights! All foreboding of a terrible upheaval in the earth! A splitting and a cracking! Terrible cracking in the earth! Waves so high! Terrible waves, with some thinking that the waves are as high as the sky!


Oh, so dreadful are the days, which are upon the whole earth; and My hand is outstretched still. What is your choice, oh you wayward ones? Will you love money until death? Will you love the world and what is in it until your death?


Will you remain a slave to the flesh? Will you continue to worship the flesh and all of its earthly pleasures?


I tell you that there comes a snap, a very great snap, like a lightening snap and this snap of light will beat earth! It will burn the earth! It will burn it and will cut deeply into the earth.


A fury! Yes, a fury in the earth! And, the power will blink and fail! Oh, what a tale to tell! A blinking! A dread! So terrible, indeed; for those in the world would not heed My word! They would not listen! They would not obey Me! And, in the dark, they will ponder their choices!


Oh, so great shall be the calamities and the lawlessness, and the violence and the gang warfare! Every man for himself! Every wicked deed, no longer in secret, but open and revealed!"


"Oh, Lord, Your words are so urgent! Your warnings are so grave, so serious! Father, what do You mean by all of this?"


"My Little One, from the sun comes great trouble, more trouble than anyone could ever imagine! For, there is not one sun, but two! And, now, not only two suns, but see! (see bottom of page for information on these lights.)Three more!"


"Oh, Lord, what is all of this? What does this mean?"


"My Little One, people think that they know Me! They believe that they understand Me, but they understand little of Me and they know little of Me and My power. But, know one thing: 3+1=4 and four shall soon go forth in great power. They shall begin to draw this power from the divine manifestations of who they are."


"Lord, this is a very deep word."


"Yes, a very deep word, indeed! And, the foolish will be confounded; but the wise ones will not be confounded. 3+1 lights=4 lights in the sky; and these bright lights relate to the heavenly return of these four and who they really are."


"But, My Lord, are there not really five?"


"Yes, My Blessed Child, five you will see, but one is small and so not as tall."


"My Lord, are these five not the Five Wise Virgins?"


"Five, indeed, who are among those, who have the holy seed."


"So, My Lord, the glory of these five somehow, and/or the glory of the manchild in them is being seen in the heavens. And, regarding the Five Wise Virgins, according to Your words in Pistis Sophia, are some of them not also considered as saviours?"


"But, they are separated from their glory."


"But, Blessed Saviour, many are erroneously labeling these bright disks as Nibiru."


"Yes, mistakenly! For, remember that Nibiru is also called the Red Dragon, so its light is within the red range. So, what they see is not Niburu, but they are witnessing the heavenly manifestations of the Five Wise Virgins."


"My Lord, how will this be? Will it be soon that you take these Five?"


"My Little One, you will firstly come into your power, but only part of your power. And, these others must greatly grow in their power! For, this is a very great power. What is seen (in the heavens) is the glory of these few! See? By degrees, they will be united with their rightful glory.


Now, My Blessed Child, this is very deep. For, few can grasp the facts, that the righteous will become as the stars in heaven. And, these "fires" are very great fires. This power is very great, and it is this fire and this power, which is heating up the earth and which is causing all manner of earthquakes! For, this is also My judgment.


Yet in this way, I am also bringing forth My kingdom. For, in the sky will also be seen the glory of these five wise virgins, which is the manchild power in all of them. Now is the beginning of My Kingdom; and it will be manifest with many signs in the heavens."


"Praises to You, Father! Blessed is Your Holy Name!"


"So, My Child, My great and holy fire is in the heavens and so is My great judgement.


Blessed is the one, who can receive and believe this word, that I now give to you. For, these five are all kings in My kingdom; and the holy son, who is within these five, shall rule this world in a very great way. My kingdom is now being set up in this solar system. Who will now mock Me and My words?


But, of a truth, My Blessed Child, firstly you will come into your great power. Firstly, you will receive your wings.


I am your Father, Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God."


As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 31st day of May, 2012,   Linda Newkirk 

A Message from our Saviour, August 2012
An Important Update To The Wedding Supper Invitation!

Come to Me, My Blessed Child; for I am your first love! I am your husband! I am your Creator; and 'yes,' as you often say to me, I am the Love of Your Life! Yes, I am Yahweh, Most High God, Jesus, your Redeemer!


My Blessed Child, this is a new day for you, a new time for you, and a new day for My people! For, I have now released very great numbers of My holy seed into the bodies, into the spirits and into the souls of My Faithful! I have imparted these holy seeds into My 144,000 elect, but also to some few others, whom I have so chosen! For, this has been My great blessing to some, who have been faithful to you and faithful to these works, who are not part of the 144,000. Do you remember the marriage invitation, which I gave to you?


Then, know, My Blessed Child, that I must also make ready all of those, who have believed and who have truly wanted to attend this wedding, as wedding guests. So, My Little One, I must raise up some pearls and make them spiritually ready to attend this wedding. And, in order to do so, I have already chosen some to receive this holy seed, that they may
be made spiritually ready to enter in through the passageway of fire.


You see, My Little One, and you know well, that I am a God of great mysteries. I laid out the wedding invitation before the people, a sincere and true offer on My part, but the one key to being a wedding guest has been the presence of a simple faith, a simple trust in Me.


But, My Child, most have thrown away the wedding invitation. Most have forgotten about the wedding invitation, but a few still hold onto this invitation and they long to attend this wedding; for they believe! But, My Little One, these numbers are few; and I promised you that I would take the greatest numbers possible to this wedding as wedding guests. Therefore, I now extend this offer once more, and only once more.


Therefore, at the end of this message, post once again the wedding invitation. For, this is My great gift of love for those, who are able to believe and to receive these truths. I have not given this invitation in vain, but in truth; and I honor My words in My offer through this wedding invitation. For, this is My promise to you, My Blessed Child, and I will keep My promises.


Blessed Saviour, as I type this message, this day being the 18th day of August, I have some questions about these wedding guests. My Lord, must all, who enter into this passageway of light and fire have the holy seed within them? My Lord, in years past, you carried me into the light and I stood in Your wonderful light; and I did not yet have the holy seed. So, I do wonder about how that was and how this will be.


You do well to wonder, my Blessed Child; for there are three different levels among these wedding guests: 1. Those, who have the holy seed; 2. Those, who do not have the holy seed, but who have clean hearts, and have lived worthy to go into the light; 3. and, those, who have not lived worthy to go into the light, but at the very last minute, they are changed through My divine intervention and made ready to go into the light. And, because of these three distinctions, these three different types of wedding guests will take their different places at this wedding. See?


Yes, my Lord; and thank You so very much for explaining these important truths to me. Praises to Your Holy Name!


An Open Invitation!


To A Spectacular And Timely, Heavenly Event!


Our Father in Heaven Speaks!


Receive, Believe And Ask!


My Blessed Child, I am your Father Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God; and I come to you today to impart to you a message of My great love, of My great mercy and of My great grace!


My Little One, few know, or believe, that you, Linda Newkirk, the same Linda Newkirk of Mayflower, Arkansas, are the Woman of Revelation Chapter Twelve! And, few know how you have labored, how you have travailed, how you have suffered, and how you have often wept beneath the weight of unspeakable persecution! And, all for the love of Me, for the love of My Son and for the love of humanity!


Yes, few know, and of those who know, few believe! For your trials have been so great as you have travailed beneath the feet of Satan and all of his demonic hoards! Oh yes, you have travailed to bring forth My holy seed! A tiny seed indeed when it was given to you; but at this time, it has been maturing in your body for more than seventeen months! And, during this time, it has been growing in strength, power, and stature until it is, for a certainty, now a "manchild!" And, soon, oh so soon, it will be birthed back to My throne! But, not without you; for he is a part of you!


My Child, I have told you that, as the Woman of Revelation Twelve, you are the spiritual mother of My Kingdom! What grows in you is My Kingdom Seed! It is also the seed of My Son, Jesus, who is Saviour of Humanity! All, who marry Him, will receive this seed! All, who come into My Kingdom, to work in My service, and to be a part of My Kingdom, the queens, the kings and all others, must receive this seed! None will be a part of My Kingdom, who do not have this seed!


My Little One, as I have told you, soon and oh so soon, I will take you and My "manchild," my now-matured holy seed, back to My throne! And, what awaits you in heaven is most surely the second greatest celebration ever to take place in heaven, the first being when My Son returned after He was crucified!


Now comes another grand celebration in Heaven and in some ways, perhaps in many ways, it is even more grand than when My Son returned, but not in all ways! For this celebration, this marriage to My Son, will go on for some time; with you, My Little One, being the first to marry Him, your marriage to Him coming through the now-matured holy seed of My Son! For, you are the spiritual mother of My Kingdom, the very one, who has birthed the
holy seed into the earth, which is now a manchild!


My Little One, you have so often wanted these works to be finished! So often you have sought this; for you have wanted an end to the constant persecution, which is directed at you! But, you have not wanted to leave this Earth and to come into Heaven without your faithful friends! In fact, My Little One, your cries have continually come before My throne, wherein you have repeatedly asked that all "clean" souls be allowed to come with you and the manchild when you come to My throne!


And, yes, My Child, I shall grant this request, but in an even greater way than what you ask! Surely, I will now give the grace, great grace to you, that when I come for you and the manchild, I will also take those, have been your faithful friends. But, My Little One, I extend more, and I extend it to those, who are on the streets, who are in the highways and the bi-ways! Even if they do not know if Revelation Chapter Twelve is true; and even if they do not know a thing about what you have been through, if they ask of Me with a sincere heart and a humble heart to come, I will allow many of them to come with you, even total strangers! I will answer the calls of many, even those, who are lost and who sleep under the bridges!


Yes, I offer to them now a grand trip to heaven, a trip to behold the wedding of the ages, a chance to be a part of something so grand, that all of heaven is daily in great anticipation! And, this wedding, My Little One, is the wedding of My Son, as He first weds you, the spiritual mother of My Kingdom in the Earth!!


Oh, yes soon, and oh so soon, you will have paid your price, your great price indeed, to birth My Kingdom into the Earth! And, all subsequent marriages to My Son could only come about because you have paid the price! If you have not paid the price to birth My Kingdom into the Earth, I would have no Kingdom in the Earth! And, soon, oh so soon, I shall so greatly reward you! For, you will marry My Son first and all will soon know that you are the woman, who bears the crown with twelve stars, the true Queen of Heaven, indeed!


Now, my Little One, I open up My invitation to this wedding, not only to your faithful friends, but to all, who truly wish to come, who can truly believe and truly ask! And, while I now allow you to post this on the Internet as a public invitation, I now call up others, who see and know the truth of what I write, to copy this message into printed form and to take it and to distribute it into the streets, wherever they live.


Some may need to translate this message into their own language! And, I call you now! I call you from the continents; and I call you from the islands to take this message, to copy it into printed form and to widely distribute it to those in the streets, where you live! I now invite anyone, who can receive the truth of what I tell you and who can believe, thereafter asking with a sincere heart, to be a guest at this most grand of weddings in heaven!


Oh, yes, this is true! This is real! And, this invitation is not being sent directly to the churches! This is not My desire; for they have overwhelmingly spurned these works of Revelation Twelve! My invitation now goes into the streets and I call forth My workers, the sincere of heart, those, who also wish to be a part of this grand wedding, to come forth now!


I call you to come forth and to copy this message and to take it into the streets, take it into the jails! Take it into the villages! Take it into the highways and the bi-ways; to make haste! For, this wedding is soon, oh so soon, not many weeks away!


Though many of My own have rejected these works, and are thereby unworthy to come, many others will not reject this invitation, but will shout with glee! For, they will hold dear what I now give so freely!!


Oh, yes this is unexpected! All that I give now is unexpected! But, oh so soon, many will get a trip into heaven, which will forever change them! And, they will see the very first wedding, ever, in heaven, the wedding of My chosen, daughter, Linda Newkirk, the Woman of Revelation Twelve, to My Son! Thereafter, Linda Newkirk will begin her work as the Queen of Heaven, my Son's very own queen; and as such will bear much power in Heaven and in the Earth!


All, who take seriously this invitation, and who come to Me in prayer, truly believing and truly asking to go, will indeed be received as guests of this grand heavenly event! And, yes, even some of these will be evil! For, first, I am a God of great love, of great mercy and grace! And, through this invitation of love, many will be forever changed!


My Beloved Child, type this and get this posted on the Internet soon! I will touch the hearts of many, who read this message, that they copy it onto paper and distribute it into the streets, where they live!


Come, Oh you nations! Receive what I freely offer! For, now My grace, My love, My righteousness, and My glory comes forth as you could neither have imagined, nor could have conceived in any way!! Glorious rewards now come to those, who believe!


Witnessed, dictated and recorded this 3rd day of November, 2007  Linda Newkirk


(Note from Mark)  Upon receiving the above prophecy/invitation from our Saviour in 2007 many of us did indeed rush into the highways and biways with the wedding invitation thinking that the event was going to take place right away. However we would soon learn that our Saviour would fulfill His scripture warning that the bridegroom would tarry! We had no idea at the time that it would be five years of tarrying!)


On Oct 24, 2007 An Extraordinary Event Occurred In The Heavens!


Comet 17P/Holmes shocked astronomers with a spectacular eruption. In less than 24 hours, the 17th magnitude comet brightened by a factor of nearly a million, becoming a naked-eye object in the evening sky. Within a couple of weeks Holmes was the largest object in the solar system.  Larger even.. than the Sun!


This spectacular eruption and brightening of Comet Holmes is completely unprecedented in the annals of commentary astronomy. Astronomers from around the world were in competition to see who would post the most spectacular photos of the amazing Comet. The mainstream media censored this extraordinary event. As you learn the full truth about Revelation 12 you will understand why this extraordinary event was widely ignored by the 'cartel' controlled media conglomerates.


This picture shows Holme's incredible ion tail.


Ivan Eder,  Budapest, Hungary (Europe)  Nov. 4, 2007



"The comet has a huge eruption moving along it's tail. Holmes is more bizarre with each passing day"


Book Twelve, Chapter Forty-Two


Now, My Little One, comes My glory! With the advent of Comet 17/P Holmes comes My glory into the whole earth! For, what was a comet is no longer a comet! And, it is not a planet, but the long-awaited portal to My throne! This is the bridge to My throne, which is now being created before the eyes of the whole world! And, this bridge, My Little One, is attached to you, through the manchild, through My holy seed, which is in you!


By the day, My manchild is filling up the layers of this bridge; and on some photos of Comet 17/P Holmes, these layers are beginning to manifest! And, as you know; for you have seen it today, this portal is already beginning to attach to the earth through the manchild, who is in you! The manchild in you is now expanding greatly and rotating with the portal in the heavens! (And, what a great marvel, my Dear Ones, to experience what our Father is doing through the manchild in my body now!)


My Little One, the time is at hand, and soon, when many will see a woman in the midst of this portal, in what most will still call Comet 17/P Holmes! Yes, they will see a woman and more clearly so, as the few remaining weeks pass, even the Woman, who wears the crown with twelve stars, this woman being you, My Child! Yes, you, Linda Newkirk, the true woman of Revelation 12, the very one, who has birthed My holy seed, who has mothered My manchild, and who has helped to make him ready to return home!


As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 17th day of November, 2007,  by Linda Newkirk


Matthew Chapter 22 relates to the Invitation To The Marriage Supper Of The Lamb!


And, Jesus answered and spake unto them again by parables and said, The Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a certain king, which made a marriage for his son.


And, sent forth his servants to call them that were bidden to the wedding: and they would not come. Again, he sent forth other servants, saying, Tell them which are bidden, Behold I have prepared my dinner, my oxen, and my fatlings are killed, and all things are ready: come unto the marriage. But, they made light of it, and went their ways, one to his farm, another to his merchandise: And, the remnant took his servants and entreated them spitefully and slew them.


But, when the king heard thereof, he was wroth and he sent forth his armies, and destroyed those murderers, and burned up their city. Then saith he to his servants, the wedding is ready, but they which were bidden were not worthy. Go ye therefore into the highways and as many as you shall find, bid to the marriage.


 Matthew Chapter 25


Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likeed unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out. But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves. And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut.


The Five Wise Virgins, Our Saviour's Message Continued


May 31, 2012


My Blessed Child, I am your Father Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God; and I come back to you; for I know that your heart is overflowing with excitement and great joy about what is and what is to come.


For, you could not have imagined such a thing, that the glory of the manchild, who is to be within some of you, should appear in the sky as heavenly bodies. And, yes! This is one very great mystery! But it should not be a mystery; for I have told you that you shall shine as the stars of heaven!


But, behold the signs in the heavens! Signs of My kingdom come and My will be done in the earth as it is in heaven! Signs of My very first firstfruits! For, even as the sun is also called the virgin of light, these are also called virgins of light; for they are five, wise virgins. And, their light shall be as the light of the sun; and their fire shall be as the fire of the sun. And, their presence opposes evil of every sort.


And, their presence means that this power and this glory will also grow within these five, wise virgins. And, as this power and this presence grows within these wise ones, who are all now in the earth, so great will be the upheavals in the earth. So great will be My great judgments against the wickedness in this earth.


Hear Me now, My Blessed Child; for among these five, you shall be birthed firstly into your power and into your freedom. For, you are firstly the spiritual mother of My people all over the world. Secondly, you are the earth mother of My Holy Son, the manchild of Revelation Twelve; and thirdly, you are one of the two witnesses.


And, the fire and the power and the glory that I have given you through My Holy Son, who is within you, shall be known about all over the earth. And, the mockers will either repent, or be destroyed in their evils; for they have called what is good, bad; and what is holy, they have profaned!


Yes, the signs of My kingdom are in the earth and these signs will not leave, or be moved, not now, and not for many years. For, these are My righteous ones, and I shall rule the earth through My Son, who is within these wise ones. For, I shall give these powers above all others."


I am your Father, Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God.


As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 31st day of May, 2012,  Linda Newkirk


(visit Linda's site for more prophecy about the Wise Virgins, the Two Witnesses and the New Jerusalem)



The Book Of Revelation , Chapter 12


1 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:

2 And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.

3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.

4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.

5 And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.

6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.

7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,

8 And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.

9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

10 And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.

11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.

12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.

13 And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child.

14 And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.

15 And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood.

16 And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth.

17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

For extremely important revelations about the 'false rapture', the Antichrist, the coming destruction of America, and the so called 'trumpet sounds' being heard around the world,  visit prophecies org or  

"A False Rapture, An Alien Invasion,
The Skies the World Over well erupt with UFOs"


My Blessed Child, I am your Father Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God. Listen carefully to My words to you this morning; for you come and you ask Me about an event in the skies the world over, which shall surely come to pass.


Hear Me in this, My Blessed Child, and write what I say, that My people may be the wiser. I say to you, oh My people, "All eyes upon Me. All eyes upon Me. All eyes upon Me!" For, any and all, who take their eyes off Me, for even a moment, in these most perilous of times, may very well be deceived and carried into the enemy's camp.


Do you think to outsmart Satan? Do you not know that he has been the deceiver, even from the beginning? He is master of deception and very fine at it; and he has, at his disposal, great resources and great armies, which you, as a people, are ignorant of. And, his armies are far greater than you can imagine, even one third of the stars of heaven, who were cast down with him. Yet, these are not all, but in his army are cleverly disguised robotic elements, and robotic humans, as well as great numbers of his own children, who are also human.


Then, he also has at his disposal billions of humans all over the world, who have fallen to his wicked and deceptive ways, who do his bidding and are not even aware that they do his bidding. They kill at command. They steal at command. They lie at command and all under cover of government and official business. His chain of command is very great and you, oh My people, are grossly ignorant of him and his vast armies and means to both deceive you, and to destroy you.


Yet, many of you think to fight these battles. For, even as some few of you know and understand, you fight not against flesh, when you fight Satan and his many non-human hoards, but you fight against powers and principalities of great darkness, who are not human, and were never human, but fell from the Upper Realms. They aligned themselves with Satan/Lucifer to fight against the Light, for they wished to overtake the Light. They rebelled and fell, in pride and arrogance, and are thereby filled with every evil and perverted thing; and they wish to destroy all light on this planet and /or to consume it for themselves, that they might still rise up and overtake you, who bear My light. So, they war against those of you, who bear My light.


None of you true ones escape their watchful eyes and as I have said to you, these vast armies have been cast down, but in My mercy and for the love of My Elect, I bound them in a secret place, until there would come the right time, the time of My own choosing, to release them. So, billions, many billions of them are bound up in this secret place, but at the time of My own choosing, I shall release them and they shall come forth, many, many billions of them; and they shall fill the skies the world over. They shall come at a terrible time in the earth and at a time when many feel hopeless and in despair, at a time when many think that they will escape such terrible times.


Through vast mind control techniques, they will gain control over the minds of many! The curious and the spiritually weak listen and many of them will obey the commands and they will willingly go and enter into these ships. And, many, who believe what is called the "early-out rapture" will believe that these ships are of Me; for their thinking is twisted and they will fall for the great mind control, which will come at them from many directions.


Many televangelists will be used, and preachers will be used, as mind controlled stooges at the hands of Satan and these very evil creatures; and these preachers, and even certain prophets, will trumpet the arrival of Jesus for His people.


Great lies, storms of lies, will beat down on the people; and such lies will seduce the weak, as great numbers, even millions upon millions of people the world over, will agree to enter into these ships.


Oh, the woes! Oh, the great woes! Oh the fright! Oh, the pain! Oh, the suffering! Oh, the sorrows! For, many of you will be killed straight away! You will be served up to these evil hoards as one great feast, and they will feast on upon your flesh and upon your blood. For, they are not at all human, but you will see many, who are part bird and part reptile; and these are the Dragos. They will eat you alive, pecking and clawing at you and delighting in your fear as they gobble your flesh and drink your blood; for it is your life force that they wish to consume. It is your light, that they wish to devour.


But, some of you, who enter into these ships, which will fill the skies, will be saved for greater horrors. For, they will invade your bodies and will take over your bodies and will use your bodies to further deceive great numbers of people. For, their ways are not your ways. They were once of high standing in the Upper Realms, but they fell! Nevertheless, they are not without certain supernatural powers. And, you will not understand their powers; but when you later see some that you have seen and known to go into these ships, appear again before your very eyes, you will delight to see once again your friends and family, only to be consumed and devoured alive, by the Drago, who has taken the body.


Therefore, when you see those, who go up into these ships, consider them gone and do not trust your eyes regarding them again.


These Dragos will use these snatched bodies to take over many key positions in government, in armies, in important trades, and in important services.


Therefore, My warnings to you to come out of the world, will be more important than ever! For, in your day to day activities, you will encounter them, yet you will most certainly be deceived by them, that is, all but some very, very few of you.


And, this deception will be to your own undoing; for I warn you now that this is coming. This is going to happen, an alien invasion/false rapture; and this will be the reward for so many, who have loved a lie and who have spread the lie, that I would come for you before you have to suffer in the earth. Have I not told you that you would be tried in the fires and tested as gold and silver, yet many of you want the easy way and you will not hear the truths, but would rather believe the lies.


Now, the great liar is among you and he is not at all stupid. He is crafty, very crafty; and he watches you and analyzes you, when you have no clue that he is even in your midst. For, Satan, that old Dragon, has been cast down, even as My servant, Linda Newkirk, has written.


There came a war in Heaven in the late Winter and Spring of 2006, just as my servant, Linda Newkirk, has told you in the writings of Revelation Twelve, and Satan was cast down. Along with him were cast down many billions of Dragos, but I commanded Archangel Michael and others of My archangels to fight and to subdue them and to round them up and to hide them in a secret place. For, it was not time for them to come forth and to take their place in Satan's army in the earth. But, I tell you now, that there shall come a time, when I will set free these vast information of Dragos and few of you will be the wiser.


Hear Me, oh you nations, who sleep and slumber. Satan is given his time in the earth and his kingdom is in place. By the day, you can see his great evils, and they escalate in the earth, yet so many of you prefer deception. You will not see the truths of what is, of what has been, and of what is to come.


The time of the great sifting is at hand and many souls will be sifted into the fires (of hell). Also, at this time, many will make the most terrible decision to take the mark of the beast; and these souls will be destroyed. Yes, indeed, a great sifting is at hand.


Beware, oh you, who sleep in the midst of such evil; for in your ignorance, you will be carried away.


For, you will most certainly now either seek Me with your whole heart and you will walk in My statutes and keep My commandments, or you will be in the camp of Satan. For, it is either one, or the other.


Make your way straight, oh My people. Keep your eyes fixed on Me. Consider Me in all things, lest you be deceived and carried away and end up in the fires! For, since there was a nation, there have never been times as severe, as what you are now entering into.


Make copies of this message and distribute far and wide, that the blind may see and understand what is upon the whole world.


My Little One, My words, which you just heard in the spirit, when translated mean, "Stay away from the Dragon," and I have allowed you to hear these words, even in My own language, a language that you do not know; for these words are for all nations, but especially for My people in China and the Orient. "STAY AWAY FROM THE DRAGON!"


And, with these words, I say unto you and unto all of My people. The light of My Kingdom is in the earth and it shines to every humble and obedient heart. Receive My light, oh My people and be filled; for this light is My pure love to you. And, when you see all of these things come to pass, then know that My finger tip is about to touch you, oh My Faithful Bride.


I am your Father Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God.


As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 13th day of July, 2011,  Linda Newkirk


The Obama Antichrist Prophecies!


My Blessed Child, I am your Father Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God! My Little One, hearken unto Me! Listen and write as I say, that all may be the wiser! For, a time of great trouble is upon the whole world! A time when nation shall rise up against nation, families against families, a time wherein one's greatest enemies may be in his own household! A time of great want, of famine, of global wars, pestilences, and diseases as never seen before! A time when very powerful families of great evil shall stand up against one another, with one out to destroy the other! A time when Satan does, indeed devour his own tail, that his head may be crowned! Oh, yes, you have seen such a thing, such an artwork with Satan devouring his own tail, and at the same time that he devours his own tail, a crown is put upon his head.


Now, My Little One, take note! Look through these glasses and through these new lenses, which I now put on your eyes; and tell Me what you see!


"My Father, I see black boots, like those of Hitler, shiny and new, but large, long and wide! And, for now, I only see the boots."


"But, look upward, My Child, what do you see?"


"My Father, I see that the boots belong to Barack Hussein Obama! And, also, my Father, I see that he is dressed as a Nazi! He is wearing a Nazi uniform and over his heart and on his left pocket is a Nazi emblem! He wears a green beret and on the left side of this beret, but near the middle of his forehead is another Nazi emblem. He carries a baton; and emblazoned on the end of it is also a Nazi emblem. Oh, my Father, this is not good!"


"Yes, my Child, through his calm demeanor, through his use of clever words, he has deceived the whole world! But, do not be deceived, My Little One! Now, when I change the lenses in these glasses, what do you see?"


"My Father, I see a bright candle! It is indeed very bright; and I can neither see past it or around it."


"No, you cannot, My Child, not now. But, as I put a shade on this candle, what do you see?"


"My Father, I see, of course, that the candle is dim, very dim, so dim that I no longer see it, but only see a very faint light; and where the candle was, I now see Barack Obama! And, I see, as well, that he has no light, but is full of many lying demons and seducing spirits, and out of his mouth come many blasphemous things! His every word is full of darkness and his teeth are like black posts. His countenance is also no longer that of Barack Obama, but that of a beastly image, who stands tall in the faint light! And, the appearance of this beast is vague to me; therefore, I am left without words to explain what I see; for I have never seen anything like it. His fingernails are long and curled! His toenails are long and curled and he paces up and down in the oval office, something like a caged animal! Oh, my Father, tell me about what I see."


"My Little One, all of the world shall wonder after what they perceive to be the light of the world! Nations shall wonder after a false light and nations shall heap praises upon a false light! And, many shall wonder after this light! Many shall thereby be deceived and shall fall and worship this false light, giving great honor to what is false! For, many are now longing for someone to come and to rescue them from the forces of great evil! They want a Saviour, but do not wish to bend a knee to the real Saviour, who is Jesus, My Son. For, they love the world and what is in it; and the Real Light of the World, they refuse! For, they do not wish to repent, but to continue on in their wicked ways! Therefore, they shall honor a false light and they shall call him the light of the world! And, many shall fall at his feet and shall worship him, when he is no man, but a beast, who appears to be a man!


And, through this very one, many, many shall fall the whole world over! And, many shall be deceived! For, they are looking for a man to rescue them from the evils of the world! And, this one shall rise and he will begin then to devour parts of Satan's Kingdom, to devour Satan's own tail, all in order that he may be crowned king of this world! For, when he is king of the world, Satan will indeed be king, if only for a short while.


Therefore, what you see now, with this man, who is not even yet inaugurated, is a great push to uproot long-held, Bush-Rockefeller-Clinton power bases in America, thereby removing their power from this nation, so that it falls more readily into the hands of the power elite in Europe and into the hands of the Israeli Mossad, and in to the hands of other nations.


To all of you, it may appear that he is doing a great work to destabilize the drug empire of the Bushes and Clintons, and to bring back to America, what these have stolen and robbed from this nation! Do not be deceived!


For, his great push to take these trillions and to sit over this great amount of wealth is being driven by the European Satanists in their bid to destroy America and also by the Vatican, the Israeli Mossad, and even others.


If his behavior seems unseemly for someone, who is not yet even inaugurated, it is because of the fact that he dances high for Satan, higher than all of the rest! And, he dances well for the European elite and for the Israeli Mossad, who put him in power.


It is a grave mistake indeed, that so many believe that he has at heart the interests of America. He does not! He is the final nail in the coffin of this great nation.


For, the real light of the world, you, as a nation, have overwhelmingly trampled! And, now, you have the false light, one who is really a beast in great disguise. The real Light, My Son, you have overwhelmingly rejected! But, this false light, you will overwhelmingly follow, and so will many, many the world over!"


"Oh, Father, this is even as I have felt in my spirit."


"Yes, My Little One, this is even as you have felt; for I have quickened your spirit to see beyond the facade and to see a man of obscurity arise to world power in such a short time. A man, who is no man at all, but a beast! And, the whole world will long after the beast! And, many will take the mark! And, they will fall and worship the Beast! None, whose names are in the Book of Life, will worship the beast, but of the rest, My Little One, vast numbers will take the mark! For, they will idolize this one, and they will believe in him! And, they will do as he says, for they are cut off from My Spirit! But, the wise will know who he is and the wise will teach many!


Now, you know, My Little One; and all will also know, who have the heart to receive! Barack Hussein Obama is Satan's number one ruler in the world! And, the high-level Satanists of other nations, along with his god Satan, are his driving force! And, he has but one goal for America and this is to bring you down, and to bring other nations down, even other ruling elite of Satan, who stand opposed to giving up their power. For, he will rise and exalt himself above all.


Be not deceived! For, now is the time for the rest of the Book of Revelation to be fulfilled! And, the time is at hand also, when Revelation 12 will also be completed and with it mighty blessings coming back for humanity! For, as the antichrist system rises, My Kingdom also rises in the Earth.


I am your Father Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God.


As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 15th day of November, 2008,


Linda Newkirk


Obama The Golden Statue

Chercheng Xiong  Winder, Georgia 
February 04, 2009


On January 19, I fast and pray. I didn't even pray for Obama or any other former president, instead, I pray for the people in my church, I pray for me to want to know the Lord more than ever and I pray to have a strong desire to tell other people about the Lord Jesus .


On January 19, 2009 that night I have a dream, in that dream I saw the earth was covered with darkness and in the mid of the darkness, I saw a large beam of light shining like a very high power lamp all over a vast area. I began to wonder about that large light. I heard a voice from above telling me 3 times to focus on the lighted area. I turned and look carefully toward that lighted area, in the mid of the light I saw a huge golden statue, that golden statue was the shining lamp to all those vast area, and along with this huge golden statue there were many smaller statues placed beside with this big one as a straight line, from the largest to the smallest statue. However, those smaller statues have no light at all but since the huge golden one were shining so bright that everyone of the smaller statues were also shining brightly.


I started to wonder and really wanted to know what's the meaning of these statues because this is the first time I ever seen in my life. As I still wonder and keep questioning the Lord Jesus about the statues, I heard a voice from above saying, " look very close to the biggest shining one, you'll know its meaning ". Suddenly, the Lord magnified the statue I carefully look at it one more time at the golden statue which shining like a high power lamp and it is an image of a man but he is dead, his eyes were closed and there is no life found in him at all but somehow, I wonder why he is shining so bright. I began asking the Lord, " Oh Lord, how can a dead image can give out light, please tell me what is this golden statue represent? " The voice from above said, " you'll know in just a moment. " Suddenly, I saw countless numbers of people standing around the golden statues. Some of them were there to worshipping the statue, some of them just standing there and wonder because the golden statue were so bright, some of them were so happy to be there because the statue were just receiving his new power and authority, some of them were there because the statue gives them light in the mid of the darkness. I started even more wonder and wanted to know what is the meaning of the statue, the voice of the Lord said, " The shining statue that you are seeing is Barack Obama. " Suddenly, a loud voice of a heavenly trumpet sound, a loud voice from heaven saying, " any one that watch, worship, praise and rejoice with the golden statue and other smaller statues will never be caught up with the Lord in the sky but they all will be burned in hell. " Suddenly, hell break and all those laughing and happy faces that standing around the golden statue were panic, running everywhere and crying for help. Hell broke and swallowed all of them and none of them were no where to be found, only a small group of God's people whose name were rewritten in the book of life that were refused to be there to worship, to watch, to praise and rejoice with the shining statue were raptured with the Lord Jesus Christ above the sky.


I heard the loud voice of the Lord call my name and said, " You are the same thing, if you don't run as far as possible from the golden statue and other smaller statues, you will not be caught up with me. " I start to run and run as fast as I can, but no matter were I go I still see the big face of the dead shining statue, I call on the Lord said, " Oh Lord, please help me? I have no more energy to run. " The good Lord lifted me up and put me on a far place beside a big lake. It is a quiet and peaceful place. However, far away from the horizon I still can see the light of this golden statue shining toward the sky just like in Las Vegas.


I was lifted up high and I saw the evil's power covered the whole earth with darkness everywhere then I woke up with shaking and sweat. I started to pray and won't sleep all night.


The next morning I went to work, I watched Fox, and Yahoo news, they said all the people around the world that watched the inauguration were about 1 billion. About two day later the news said, Obama turn around to give federal fund for human cloning research, and support the homosexual organization, and will fund lots of money to plan parent hood for abortion and will give money to welfare for those who don't want to work.


Sorry for my broken English, my name is Chercheng Xiong, I am an American Christian, Hmong man. I came from Laos, my denomination is the CM&A (Christian and Missionary Alliance) I go to a Hmong Christian Alliance Church in Winder, Georgia. My grand parent were none Christian. They believed and worship our ancestor's spirits but back then there was no missionary in my country yet, my father were converting to Christianity by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. To make my story short, when I was in the refugee camp in Thailand, I was very sick and died for almost two days. I went to hell, but the Lord Jesus Christ came to rescue me. He hold me on his arm like you hold a baby and flew back to earth. He put me on my bed, since then He is so good to me. I will obey Him all my life and only praise Him. Thanks, may the Lord bless you.

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